Friday, June 7, 2013


20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the Trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. (Unknown)

Thetis Island, Telegraph Harbour 
It has been a busy, busy week or so having fun walking, hiking, biking & exploring with relatives visiting, a sailing trip down to Thetis Island for the annual Hunter rendezvous & a road trip down to Victoria. 

Captain Judy, 1st time out on the boat.
The weather for the past few days has been glorious with blue sky, warmth in the air and smiling faces everywhere. You can feel the island waking up from it's winter slumber; people are shaking out their camping gear & getting their RV's warmed up & ready for camping & enjoying BC's wilderness. The fish eagles are screeching & chasing each other as they compete within themselves & the fishermen for salmon & cod. Boaters are cleaning down their boats, stocking up with supplies & getting out on the water; another summer season is upon us.
Judy & Bon, having fun cleaning the boat.

My husband & I are proud owners of a 45' Hunter Passage sail boat & we spend much of the summers sailing, walking, hiking, biking & exploring the many islands scattered up & down the BC coast. 
One of our annual adventures is participating in the yearly Hunter Rendezvous on Thetis Island, an island situated off the southern end of Vancouver Island. 

This is a full weekend of events where specialists share their knowledge on the maintenance of hunter boats whether it is to do with the engine or the masts or any other issues & concerns that arise. 
Hunter Rendezvous, taking over.

It's a great social event where you meet up with other Hunter owners, have fun going aboard the brand new 2013 models to see what is the latest, participate in a hilarious dingy competition where the rower is blindfolded & the navigator has the challenge of controlling this jumbled up mess of a rowing race! Saturday evening is a feast of a whole pig traditionally barbecued on the rotisserie along with beef of baron. 
Mr. Bean, loving the action.

This year they had great musicians that had us all up and shaking our booties late into the night.
Everyone says good bye for another year at a fantastic breakfast brunch that the marina put on Sunday morning before all of us sailors head back home.

People come from all over the place, Vancouver, Victoria, Nanaimo, up island, the States; I was told that there were about 90 boats that came this year. It's an amazing site to see when you arrive into Telegraph Harbour with all these Hunter boats tied up. I'm not sure where the regular boats are taken too when this event occurs, as the Hunters surely take over for the weekend. 
Getting ready for a feast.

Happy hour.
This year my sister-in-law Judy, her son Trevor & his girlfriend Mel came with us to the event. It was a blast, we had loads of fun, but we didn't do any walking, hiking or biking!!! 
Judy, Bon, Trevor & Mel.



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